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Image of a worker injured

Latest Data on Fatal Workplace Injuries Reveals Increase in Fatalities on the Job

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

The annual report on fatal workplace injuries across the US was recently released by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). 2016 saw a startling rise in the number of on-the-job deaths, and surprising new trends in the ways in which workers are getting hurt on the job. Read on to learn more, and… Read More »

worker hurt his knee

What Five On-the-Job Injuries are Most Common?

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

Getting hurt on the job is something that can happen to workers in any field, at any time. There are certain injury causes which are listed by applicants for workers’ compensation benefits again and again, both among injured workers in Ohio and across the country. Research conducted by Liberty Mutual revealed the top five… Read More »

Wrongful Death form

Local Man Killed on Job Site

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

A Belmont County resident was recently killed while working on a construction project on Interstate 70. The tragic death is an example of the type of on-the-job injury where damages other than workers’ compensation benefits may be available. The man who was killed was a 59-year-old Barnesville man employed as part of a construction… Read More »

Woman suffering from carpal tunnel

Can I Get Workers’ Compensation if I Work from Home?

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

More employees than ever before are able to do their jobs from a remote location. As technology and means of communication evolve, the need for a company’s workers to be gathered in a central location recedes. Even as work becomes increasingly computer-based, there are still opportunities for Ohio employees to become injured on the… Read More »


Are Private Eyes Watching You after a Workplace Accident?

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

Many workers’ compensation insurance carriers are reluctant to pay out claims after a workplace accident. They’ll challenge the alleged cause of the injury, dispute worker testimony, and argue that conditions were pre-existing or occurred while the employee wasn’t on the clock. In order to weaken employee claims, some insurance carriers or employers will use… Read More »

Dr. holding clipboard

Healthcare Workers Suffer on-the-Job Injuries at an Alarming Rate

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

Working in healthcare as a nurse, physician, or medical assistant offers an opportunity to help people return to a state of health and well-being from their weakest point. It also brings the risk of acute injury, as well as injuries developed over time as the result of the high physical demands of the profession…. Read More »

Independent Medical Examinations form

What to Expect from an Independent Medical Examination

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

After you’re hurt on the job, your employer might be skeptical about the injuries you claim to have received at work, or the extent of harm they caused. By ordering an independent medical examination, the employer, insurer, or even the Ohio state Board of Workers’ Compensation can obtain what should be an objective assessment… Read More »

Carpal tunnel

Disabling Injuries Caused by Repetitive Motion

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

Not all disabling on-the-job injuries result from one catastrophic accident. With increasing frequency, the injuries that workers are receiving on the job are ones that build over time. One of the most common forms of injury for which Ohio employees file claims for workers’ compensation benefits is that of repetitive stress injuries. Read on… Read More »

Scientist holding toxic chemicals

Workers’ Compensation Claims for Toxic Exposure

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

Workplace injuries don’t always come in the form of broken bones, sprains, or strains. There are many other physical conditions that a worker can develop on the job, ones which aren’t immediately obvious and may develop over time. Workers, whether in construction, engineering, or even ones working in offices, can develop serious illnesses from… Read More »

Fall Injury

Falls: the Number One Source of Fatal Injury on Job Sites

By Miller Law Practice, LLC |

Construction sites are full of perils for workers, and the rates of fatal injuries to construction workers is evidence of that fact. Of the many opportunities for injury, however, falls on job sites hold the greatest potential to cause fatal injuries to victims. Read on to learn more about the causes of fall injuries,… Read More »

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